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Van Mark

(Code: VAN-MM20EZ20M)
£ 3,967.00
Van Mark Industrial Metal Master® 20 EZ (2m)Pre-Order and reserve your machine now to receive TrimCutter™ for free. The Industrial Metal Master® 20 EZ comes with the latest in computer-aided design and manufacturing to provide the best one-stop-shop for all your job site bending, from "W" style valley-pan & rake edges, to soffits & roof flashings, including wide hip and ridge cap, HVAC duct & plenum work, to name a few.
(Code: VAN-MM20EZ)
£ 411.00
Van Mark TrimCutter™ Roller ShearPre-Order a Van Mark Industrial Metal Master® 20 EZ and get this free. The TrimCutter™ Roller Shear is one of the most innovative additions to Van Mark bending brakes. Its unique low-profile and AccuTrack system keeps the tool adjacent to the brake and cutting accurately. The harden steel knives cut up to 24 ga. Painted Steel Grade D and are design to cut through thousands of feet of material without getting dull while leaving a "factory” smooth edge that is free of sharp points.