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Malco Turboshears

Let Malco help you navigate every twist, turn, and bend in sheet metal! Malco believes in American-made, top-quality products that work hard, enhance performance, and stand up to years of real-world use on the job. Tools that: Work. Perform. Outlast.
Here at Metal Solutions, we stock a wide range of Malco TurboShear Drill Attachments for metal cutting, double-cut metal cutting, corrugated metal, fiber cement siding / backerboard, vinyl siding and natural roofing slate. However if you see a product in the Malco brochure not listed on our online shop, please get in touch and we can order it in for you. We also supply Malco Hand Tools for sheet metal roofing. 
(Code: Malco-TS1)
£ 63.50
TurboShear Cuts straight or to the left in round or square sections of sheet metals.
(Code: Malco-TSHD)
£ 117.14
TurboShear HDMakes fast straight, curved or square cuts in most common sheet metals.
(Code: Malco-TSHDRB)
£ 50.39
TurboShear HD BladesReplacement blade set.
(Code: Malco-TSMD)
£ 137.75
TurboShear MD Double CutHeavy duty double-cut shear drill attachment for sheet metal.
(Code: Malco-TSMDRB)
£ 62.01
TurboShear MD Double Cut Blades
Replacement blade set.
(Code: Malco-TSCM)
£ 125.40
TurboShear CM
Heavy duty shear drill attachment for corrugated metal.
(Code: Malco-TSCMRB)
£ 58.76
TurboShear CM Blades
Replacement blade set.
(Code: Malco-TSHD1A)
£ 270.46
TurboShear HD1A
Air powered shear for unstoppable shearing power in heavy sheet metal!
(Code: Malco-TSNS1)
£ 223.13
TurboShear NS1 Slate Cutter
Cuts natural roofing slate.
(Code: Malco-TSNS1RB)
£ 80.37
TurboShear NS1 Slate Cutter Blades
Replacement blade and skid plate set.
(Code: Malco-TSF1)
£ 185.87
TurboShear F1 Fibre Cement Cutter
Cuts Fibre Cement board up to 8mm thick.

(Code: Malco-TSF2)
£ 185.87
TurboShear F2 Fibre Cement Cutter
Cuts Fibre Cement backer board up to 13mm thick.
(Code: Malco-TSV1)
£ 190.43
TurboShear V1 Vinyl Cutter
Cuts Vinyl cladding up to 1.4mm & sheeting up to 3.18mm thick.

(Code: Malco-TSV1RB)
£ 81.61
TurboShear V1 Vinyl Cutter Blades
Replacement blade set.
(Code: Malco-C5A2)
£ 124.43
(-10.00%) £ 111.99
TurboCrimper IMPACTQuickly makes your impact driver a power crimper!
(Code: Malco-C5A)
£ 232.30
Power Assisted Crimpers
Make fast, easy, precise crimps in large or small round duct and pipe.