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Rau Roofing Tools

RAU® Metal Roofing Tools
The distinguishable yellow and blue design of RAU® Metal Roofing Tools is recognised by metal workers world-wide. The German manufacturer produces a quality product with outstanding performance and longevity. We can supply these tools from stock for next day delivery if required.
RAU® sheet bending tools for roofers, plumbers and tin smiths are exceptionally designed to help save time, money and make difficult work much simpler - all while maintaining high quality workmanship. RAU® tools are very easy to handle, even by semi-skilled workers!
(Code: TK)
£ 199.00
Rau Eaves Edger TK EDP105
Folds eaves edges.
(Code: TSCH)
£ 186.00
Rau Double Eaves Edger TSCH EDP106
Closes eaves edges.
(Code: WFSCH)
£ 186.00
Rau Square Seam Folder WFSCH EDP111
Closes the single lock standing seam.
(Code: WDF)
£ 220.00
Rau Twin Square Seam Folder WDF EDP117Closes the double lock standing seam.
(Code: WDF-XP)
£ 280.00
Rau Twin Square Seam Folder WDF-XP EDP1174Closes the single lock & double lock seam. Designed for the protection of colour-coated materials.
£ 51.00
Rau Twin Square Seam Folder WDF-XP Jaw SetComplete replacement jaw set (a + b)
£ 300.00
Rau Square Seam Folder WFSCH ST EDP128Closes the single lock standing seam, with extended handle.
(Code: WDFST)
£ 311.00
Rau Twin Square Seam Folder WDF ST EDP131Closes the double lock standing seam, with extended handle.
(Code: RGSK)
£ 143.00
Rau Small Curved Square Seam Folder RGS EDP127
Closes the single lock standing seam, very short handle for tight access.
(Code: RGSL)
£ 143.00
Rau Large Curved Square Seam Folder RGSL EDP119
Closes the single lock standing seam. Ideal for curved seams.
(Code: RPS)
£ 232.00
(-10.00%) £ 208.80
Rau Round Seam Closer RPS EDP140
Closes round seam systems.
(Code: PEKK)
£ 137.00
Rau Small Dog Ear Tool PEK EDP116For forming dog ear folds. 70mm blade length.
(Code: PEK)
£ 308.00
Rau Large Dog Ear Tool PEK EDP115
For forming dog ear folds. 250mm blade length.
(Code: 108HK)
£ 114.00
(-10.00%) £ 102.60
Rau Edging Tool HK EDP108
Forms double edges.
(Code: BG300)
£ 361.00
Rau Folding Tool BG300 EDP103
Sheet metal bender with 300mm folding length
(Code: BG500)
£ 457.00
Rau Folding Tool BG500 EDP102
Sheet metal bending tool with 500mm folding length.
(Code: BG1000)
£ 572.00
Rau Folding Tool BG1000 EDP101
Sheet metal bending tool with 1000mm folding length.
(Code: TSCHVA)
£ 277.00
Rau Double Eaves Edger TSCH VA - EDP1069
Stainless steel tool for closing eaves edges.
£ 277.00
Rau Square Seam Folder WFSCH SS EDP1119
Stainless steel tool for closing the single lock standing seam.

(Code: WDFVA)
£ 321.00
Rau Twin Square Seam Folder WDF SS EDP1179Stainless steel tool for closing the double lock standing seam.